Zespol Szkol i Placowek Specjalnych – Poland – Project Coordinator
website: kr.edu.pl  Contact:  email

Our school deals with upbringing, teaching and caring for children at risk of social maladjustment and the disabled. Girls and boys at primary school learn with us. We have classes from 1 to 8. Our facility has:  Primary school No. 131 for children with special educational needs Primary School No. 17 for children at risk of social maladjustment – Youth Sociotherapy Center. Our goal is to provide specialist psychoeducational help to youth at risk of social maladjustment and the disabled. This goal is implemented in cooperation with the parents of foster children (legal guardians) and institutions working for students with special educational needs, family court supervisors, the Police, the Municipal Social Welfare Center, etc. The basic tasks of the Center include eliminating the causes and manifestations of emotional and social disorders of youth and their preparation for life in accordance with applicable social and legal norms.
These tasks are implemented through:
• organizing social rehabilitation, therapeutic, sport and preventive educational classes enabling the acquisition of life skills, facilitating proper functioning in a family and social environment,
• organizing and providing psychological and pedagogical assistance in the forms referred to in the regulations on the principles of providing and organization of psychological and
pedagogical assistance in public kindergartens, schools and institutions.




Consejería de Educación. Junta de Castilla y León – Spain
website:      email: mail

The Directorate General of Vocational Training, Special Regime and Educational Equity is a principal administrative unit of the Consejería de Educación, which is the Department of Education of the Autonomous Government of Castilla y León. The responsibilities are in the areas of vocational training, Specific Educational Needs and Counseling, and Special Regime teachings. The Directorate General is composed of four units, one of which (Equity, equality and educational counseling) will be directly involved in this project.  There are between General Directorate’s tasks, attributions and competencies: Promoting calls and management of the processes of evaluation and accreditation of the skills acquired by work experience, in collaboration with other Administrative bodies with competences in matters of employment policies.

  • Implementing and developing the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications, together with the National Institute of Qualifications.

  • Qualification and re-qualification of students who leave the educational system prematurely.

  • Planning the academic organization, curricular design, and the elaboration of pedagogical guidelines and elaboration of curricular materials for the development of the teaching function.

  • The organization of the needs of school units and training positions in centers held with public funds

  • Planning and management of teachers on service training on the topics of its competences

  • Promoting relations with different institutions, especially with universities and companies.

  • Planning and management of resources for the attention for pupils with specific educational needs

  • Planning and management of the educational and psycho-pedagogical guidance

  • Development of measures for organizing and operating on public schools/centers

This General Directorate will involve in this project the “Educational Counseling and multi-professional team for the educational equity in Castilla y León” that has between its functions:

  • Development activities for promoting education within an inclusive framework.

  • Collaborating on training activities for the educative community (teachers, parents, pupils…) linked with educational equity and equal opportunities issues.

  • Preparing educational, curricular and extracurricular materials for improving the educational response to students within an inclusive framework.

  • Research and innovation regarding educational equity and detection of needs and educational answers to students with specific and special educational needs.





Polo  Europeo della Conoscenza – I.C. BoscoChiesanuova – Italy

www.europole.org   e-mail: Mail

Polo Europeo della Conoscenza (European Pole Of Knowledge) or ”Europole” is a public body, no-profit – network of educational Institutions (about 4000 Organizations) among them researchers, Universities, adult education organizations, Regional Administrations, VET schools, NGOs, cooperatives, and schools of every order and degree at national level working for the European social and educational integration. Its main fields of activities are to promote the European dimension and integration through European and extra – European workshops, seminars, conferences, partnerships and projects. The Europole network is coordinating “umbrella activities” involving every time the greatest possible number of institutions of the consortium. The network includes and collaborates with other 3 National Networks of Educational Institutions: The School of Robotics of Genoa, the CNIS for Teachers specialized for the disabled and the network of Schools without backpack. It also coordinates 2 European networks (funded by the European Commission) TTTNET for the innovative techniques of teaching mathematics, science and IT, Nobody Less Network Community psv.europole.org a network of European partners that use games and educational robotics to promote the values such as empathy, solidarity, sharing, respect for the environment, etc. Europole is partner in two other European networks funded by the European Commission: Primedia – for the promotion and development of the use of prison media – www.pri-media.org – and Netq6 for computer education for disadvantaged children aged 0 to 6 – www.netq6.EU The network coordinates a creative team of Robotics against Bullying www.roboticavsbullismo.net with hundreds of teachers throughout Italy for the prevention of the phenomenon in schools. Europole is a partner in the Horizon 2020 projects Protein https://protein-h2020.eu/
The Europole network is organized in 3 areas: Europole – University, Europole – Adult Education and Europole – School, Youth and Sport. To his credit, since his birth in 1998, he has more than 200 approved European projects. It has protocols for collaboration with various institutions in the world from Russia to India.




Panevezio rajono svietimo centras – Lithuania
https:/prsc.lt/lt/   e-mail: Mail

Panevezys District Education Centre is a public and non-profit organization established by the Council of Panevezys District Municipality in 1995 and located in Panevezys City, Lithuania. The purposes of the Centre are to develop the professional competence of the members of school communities and promote the dissemination of perspective pedagogical innovations. The center provides in-service training for 27 educational communities situated mainly in Panevezys District.  The Centre strives to develop the professional competence of different community groups (youth, members of school communities, seniors) and promote the dissemination of innovations in education. The activities of the Centre respond to the priorities of national education, school needs and individual trainees’ and the vision of a life-long learning society. The Centre sees its principal task to offer timely training, workshops, seminars, internship. The service of freelance experts of education and acknowledged trainers-practitioners is available for both district teachers and school managers. The team of the Centre offers research activities and learning projects, developing cooperation among different community groups, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and foreign partners. It responds to the needs of the educational community, regarding qualification, professional and cultural aspects.




MAKE IT BETTER – Associacão para a Inovacão e Economia Social, – Portugal

Website: www.mibworld.org
Contact us by email

Make it Better (miB) is a private, non-profit, NGO, settled in South Alentejo, Portugal, that capitalizes the experience of its promoters of more than 18 years of joint work and cooperation with public and private organizations in Portugal, Europe and as well in several other parts of the world (South America, Africa and Asia). It complies a multidisciplinary team that give powerful input in umbrella areas, such as sustainable development, education, social responsibility, social economy and social entrepreneurship, in the different frames where most disadvantaged groups are settled. In its action miB intends to: create, develop, adapt and apply sustainable and responsible work models and tools, cooperating and supporting the most disadvantaged groups. Its mission is the development of human society, in all its dimensions, namely, economic, social, environmental and cultural, linked to moral duties of solidarity and justice and all the other values registered in its charter of principles. Make it Better is an official member of: the General Council for Education of Cuba; the Commission for the Protection of Youth and Children; the Council for Local Social Action.





Website: www.arid.org.pl
Contact us by email

Association ARID is a private non-governmental organization oriented on the promotion and development of the idea of lifelong learning. The scope of the Association’s activities covers a variety of topics. The Association specializes in vocational training (VET) but also, in accordance with the idea of lifelong learning, conducts training for adults as well as school education. In the dynamically changing modern World, it is necessary to constantly improve your qualifications, develop skills and expand your knowledge. It is also important to face nowadays challenges connected to problems which are appearing every day in the life of all ARID’s target groups. The activities carried out by the Association meet these needs by organizing many different trainings, lectures and courses. The employees and trainers working in the Association are highly qualified staff in terms of both education and professional skills. In addition, the Association cooperates with numerous professionals (eg teachers, social workers, prison employees, tutors of disabled people, etc.) as well as public and private institutions from various branches (eg universities, research institutes, prison inspectorate, schools for disabled children, etc.). Since few years ARID actively participate in various international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad, based on intense past experience. Association cooperates with more than 50 various international organizations from Europe and also from US and South America. Association participated in few international multilateral projects. Those projects were realized in the frame of Life Long Learning Programme like Grundtvig Multilateral Project and Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation. Currently, since 2014, Association is working in Erasmus+ Programme. Association is involved in 20 projects in the frame of the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnerships.




KITE – Kino Information Technology Education – Bulgaria

Kino Information Technology Education (KITE) is a Private SME – research and education organization established in 2007. It is active in the implementation of educational projects on an international and national scale, developing and supporting the implementation of modern educational practices that help teachers to answer more adequately to the learners’ needs in the dynamic and ever-changing contemporary world. Some of the objectives of KITE ltd. are to support establishment of relations of tolerance, agreement, mutual respect and co-operation in national, regional, European and international aspect; to encourage and support the free exchange of ideas and good practices; to assist to sustainable development and progress of the society throughout initiatives that contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, etc. On the national level KITE ltd. cooperates with educational institutions (schools and universities), other non-profit organizations and local municipal authorities. KITE supports a strong network of Universities and schools in Bulgaria, offering wide dissemination and implementation field for innovative initiatives with over 150 active partners, kindergartens, schools, and close connection regional and national administration level. The KITE expert team provides teacher training in alternative and interactive implementation of technologies in the classroom.

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Moscow City University is a metropolitan center for science, education and culture, ranked the 1st among Russian teachers’ training universities for admission quality. Launched as a university specialized in education science, today MCU is a cross-disciplinary hub for developing human resources with extensive expertise. MCU offers more than 300 Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degree programs in such study fields as Education Science, Foreign Languages, Psychology, Social Studies, Law, Economics, Management, Computer Science, Sports, Arts and Music, Design, and others. MCU incorporates all levels of education delivering programmes at 8 undergraduate colleges, 8 graduate and postgraduate institutes, a secondary school and a Silver university for older students. The research section comprises 2 research and development centers and 19 scientific laboratories. More than 20,000 students and 800 academics enjoy excellence in teaching and research at MCU, supported by modern facilities and fully-equipped classes. 97% of MСU graduates find employment after graduation in the spheres varying from educational institutions and governmental bodies to art galleries, the media and theaters. Since 2008, MCU has offered courses and degree programs for international students. Every year more than 600 international students apply to study at MCU. MCU arranges internship programs for exchange students in Moscow secondary schools and multinational companies. MCU has more than 140 cooperation agreements with top universities around the globe: within the European Union, the USA, the Asian-Pacific Region, Latin America and the CIS countries. MCU also offers summer schools and numerous courses of Russian as a foreign language.

MCU Website: https://en.mgpu.ru/

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