The trainings were structured to deal with both theoretical and practical aspects of Hikikomori syndrome. Training were also opportunities to form a place for inclusion in school life proposing and haring preventive activities through group practices and the development of creative approaches.
The project partnership emphasizes group activities in which students will experience joy, learn about the world, and develop a strong need for emotional, physical and social contact with reality, together with their parents, teachers and peers. The aim of the interaction is to build family, school and social attitudes which, combined with knowledge and skills, neutralize the prerequisites for “Hikikomori”. An important stage in the project is the work with parents and education specialists.
As a result of the different training sessions, and also on the basis of sharing knowledge among professionals and people interested on the topic we have compiled useful materials
Pedagogical material and guidelines
The Hikikomori condition and its main characteristics
References of scientific articles about the Hikikomori conditions outside Japan
Questionnaire for evaluating the risk of Hikikomori.